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2x Navitron Solar Thermal Panel (please select size/colour)

1x Sorel MTDCV5 Controller

1x Single Line Pumpstation

1x Additional Pumpstation (please select)

1x Twinsol Pipework (please select length)

1x Antifreeze 5litres

2x Discharge Vessel

2x Expansion Vessel 18litres

1x Spirovent De-aerator

2x Roof Mounting Kit

2x Overvoltage Protection Unit

2x Bracket for Expansion Vessel

2x Connection Pipe for Expansion Vessel

4x Roof Flashings

4x 22mm Compression Elbows

2x DN16 Joiners

4x PT1000 Sensors

10x DN16/22mm Adapters

22x DN16 Back Nuts

2x DN16 Tee


The Navitron Pro Kit is intended for high-spec installations on 2 separate roof faces. This kit is designed for the professional installer, where time is money - easier and quicker installation, professional finish and including optional extras required for MCS-compliance. Fast installation time is achieved by the use of flexible stainless steel duopipe, which is coupled directly to the pump station without the need for heat/soldering. The single line pump station includes all the necessary ancillary components, and connects to the expansion vessel with a flexible stainless steel coupling. Roof water-tightness is achieved using the high temperature flashing kits provided The 58mm tubes provide 50% more heat than the equivalent number of 47mm tubes. 


Please see our schematic for an East / West installation in the Documents & Downloads section to understand the intended application of this kit.


Whilst this kit has been pre-assembled, if you would like any variations, please try our Evacuated Tube Kit Building Page

PRO-KIT EAST/WEST Complete Solar Thermal Kit

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