Solar Ancillaries
In order to take full advantage of the promise of solar energy and harness the earth’s natural energy sources, it’s important you get hold of everything you need to make your system work as desired. Any glitch or problem will impact the effectiveness of your system and potentially prevent you from enjoying its full benefits. That means that from time to time, certain elements of your system will need to be replaced to keep everything in working order. At Stoves & Solar, we have a great selection of solar loop accessories to help ensure your system continues to operate as desired. We have a broad range of high temperature pipe insulation from Armaflex. These products are capable of handling temperatures of up to 170 celsius continuously, and even temperatures of 230 celsius for short periods. We have pipe insulation of different widths. Additionally, we stock high temperature tape for insulation joins from Armaflex. You can also pick up items such as antifreeze and filling kits, as well as pumps, adhesives, discharge vessels and more. Stoves & Solar’s range of solar loop accessories contains products from a host of trusted, high-quality suppliers. You can pick up items from the likes of Armacell, Lowara and Spirotech, as well as our own range of products. Take a look through Stoves & Solar’s full range of accessories and find what you need. And be sure to look through our range of solar panels and off grid systems too. Our team of experts is always willing to help you find what you need, so feel free to email us at